Ted, Dad or Grandad was a man who loved trains, collecting a variety of things such as coins, stamps, medals, westerns and loved a cream cake, a bourbon or a pint of John Smiths. His Ford Orion was his pride and joy which he had recently taken around the block for a spin in his slippers!
He seemed to beat all the odds when it came to his multiple myeloma with his treatment bringing his paraprotein down into low single figures which made him very happy. Despite having multiple infections over the last few years and beating sepsis a number of times he had one infection that sadly his body was too tired to fight against and he passed away on the 7th June at 4.45am.
As a family we would like to thank Professor Bowles, Haematologist, Dr Wilkins, Consultant Paliative care, the wonderful staff at PBL where he visited weekly, the staff at Windmill surgery Wymondham, and to the staff on Cringleford ward where he finally rested.. He would say ‘much obliged’ to you all.
Please give generously to Myeloma UK instead of flowers if possible.
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